First off, I just have to say: Thanks be to all that’s holy that 2012 is almost over. Seriously. Less than
Eight Months with Alvie Bean
Dear Baby Bean – You are a joy. An active, crazy, constantly moving, smiley joy. You are learning everything so fast!
December 2012 Goals
You guys! 2012, i.e. the year of CRAP (except the Bean) is almost over. Woo to the hoo! Let’s review how
Frosty the windshield owes me a hot toddy
I had to scrape my windows yesterday for the first time this year. It was actually the first time in ages.
If crazy is a state of mind, then sanity is a body in state
I do this a lot, don’t I? Write a rather revealing and/or depressing post and then go off to let you