Dear Alvie – Another big month – but then, they’re all big, aren’t they? The beginning of your 16th month saw
Navel Gazing Episode IV: A New Hope (That Will STILL Not Prevent the Death of Nearly 2 Billion Alderaanians)
So! I know you’ve missed my long, rambling blog posts on what I’m thinking and feeling and what it all meaaaaaaaannnnnnnsssss.
Fifteen Months with Alvie Bean
Dear Mr. Bean, Today you are 15 months old! That is full of crazy. You have been sprouting lately. Pants that
Braggadocious Gazella: Fatum Editio
(I feel that, like the titular character in Life of Brian, a real life Roman [or a real-life Brian] will come
Trendy baby follows all the latest diet fads
So, a week ago I promised you a post on going wheat free. Back in April when we took Alvie Bean