Monthly Goals – January 2018
I have some decent goals set for the year (see yesterday’s post). In order to meet those goals, as well as the other things that I want to achieve in the next 3 months/1 year/3 years/5 years, I need to be on task and accountable.
I spent a great deal of time with my #passionplanner yesterday, doing brainstorming and determining which of each of my 3 month/1 year/3 year/5 year goals is the most important for each of those time periods and then figuring out how to be successful at that one goal. Theoretically, that success will help inform my success at everything else.
I have a number of things I’d like to accomplish over the next three months, but the very most important bit is getting to a place of health. I know myself, although apparently I’m more frenemies with me than I ought to be, and I know that the healthiest I’ve ever been – both physically and mentally – was when I was averaging a minimum of one hour of exercise a day. This was also a period of time when I was only working part time (and only one job), wasn’t writing regularly, and didn’t have a kid. I was going to grad school, but that wasn’t nearly as time consuming as parenting/writing/free-lancing/and actually wanting to spend time with my partner.
I’ve decided to pick a different word each month of the year to encompass what I need from the month to achieve my top priority goal. So, for January, that word is:
This doesn’t necessarily mean I’m going to be running 20-30 miles/week starting today. (Mostly because I’m trying to be sensible and I have a book deadline.) It’s a reminder to myself to keep going forward. Whether that’s physically (and it needs to be), or with the other actions that inform my health and well-being, I need to keep going.
I’ve changed my computer and phone wallpaper to a rotation of inspirational quotes, because I am awesome like that. And if you see me or hear me being self-destructive, I give you permission to chastise me severely.
Happy January, readers! I hope you reach all your goals this month and beyond.