The Twelve Days of Gazelle-mas: Day 6 (Bumpday Week 26)
Last night, I went to happy hour with some school chums, including three guys that were in my original cohort. We don’t get together often. The program is online, so I haven’t met most of my classmates, but it is nice to put faces with names from time to time. This will probably be the last get together before I’m finished (although several of us are planning on attending our graduation ceremony in August). I ended up staying out much later than anticipated (9 PM! I am a wild woman!), but had such a good time.
This morning was awesome – yoga w/ Emily & Sarah, followed by pancakes! and pedis! (I honestly can’t believe I paid someone to touch my feet. Creepy!) Good times!
Since I didn’t give you belly shots last week, I will do one this week, but I forgot to have the architect take one last night, so you’re stuck with my yoga wear mirror shot (sorry Kristen!) today:
On the 6th day of gazellemas, Amy gave to me:
Six yogis posing,
four pancakes,
three lazy cats,
two empty boxes, and
A Pooh Bear outfit, adorable and twee!