The 12 Days of Gazelle-mas: Day 5 (Shoesday!)

Happy Tuesday! I hope those of you who are back to work today are easing back in slowly and not overdoing it.

I am being both more and less productive than I’d like on my days off. I made meal plans for the next two weeks and got groceries, I cleaned up the holiday carnage, I went & checked out the fitness center at the community center where I swim and used their treadmill (which only allows you to increase the speed, and not decrease – weird, right? In order to go slower, I had to hit the “pause/reset” button….that worked fine, but before I knew that was the method, I spent a couple minutes running faster than I’d wanted to….) and the recumbent bike (I thought that might be more comfortable than my road bike on the trainer at home…jury’s still out), and did several loads of laundry.

So far, though, I’ve been avoiding school work and work work….that will need to change tomorrow afternoon.

Not a lot to report today – I’m pleasantly sore: 3 days biking in a row + arm weights & the dreadmill = nice.

AND – because I am talking about exercise here on SHOESDAY, I thought I’d give you the cutest Nikes ever (thanks Auntie Sarah!)

On the 5th day of gazellemas, Sarah gave to me:


four pancakes

three lazy cats,

two empty boxes, and

A Pooh Bear outfit, adorable and twee!


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