The 12 Days of Gazelle-mas: Day 7 (Three Things Thursday!)
Oh, blog readers – I am sleepy! Not sure why. I have not done enough to actually make me tired. Maybe that’s the problem – too much lounging. Nope – that can’t be it. I wonder how long it would take for me to really start missing my job? I’d love to find out. Too bad about that pesky mortgage and the need to eat.
1. I had a grand ambition to put together a puzzle on my holiday. So far, I have most of the border together. I think I was too ambitious. I probably should’ve started with 200 pieces instead of 2000.
2. One of my 2011 goals (the “secret” goal) did not meet fruition this year, due to a confluence of events (job changes + pregnancy), and I am wondering if I can realistically make it happen in 2012. I’m thinking not, but that I could, at least, lay the ground work so that I’m ready to go in 2013. There are a few steps necessary to make the goal attemptable (not even attainable), and I need to define those steps with milestones and timelines, and then get started. I think it will make a huge difference to my overall health and mental well-being….of course, there are times that I really get excited about my current job and the opportunities there-in. It’s hard to figure out what I really, really want AND be realistic at the same time (I do so much enjoy money….)
3. I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to feeling something move around inside of me. It still startles me. And delights me. And freaks me out just a little. Of course, I know that it will eventually stop – since Alvie will have to come out at some point. I am getting a wee bit excited when I think about meeting him. Of course that excitement is tempered by the terror I also feel at the thought of being responsible for a baby. (I couldn’t even get a onesie on the cat, how am I going to care for an infant?) (Of course it might actually be easier to dress an infant than a cat, and hopefully less dangerous for my face.)
On the 7th day of gazellemas, Amy gave to me:
Seven cycling miles,
Six yogis posing,
four pancakes,
three lazy cats,
two empty boxes, and
A Pooh Bear outfit, adorable and twee!