The Suck

After yesterday’s goodness (run, lunch) I wasn’t anticipating that it would all go down hill so quickly. I had to go to the market last night, so we could continue to eat food like we do, and I felt a bit….whiny. I tried to convince the architect to go (he was all, ‘but you’re so good at it! you get the best bargains! I’d spend so much more than you on less food!’), but he wasn’t having it. So, I went. And by the time I got home, I felt…not well.

Just fevery & achy & headachy & sore throaty & a LOT more whiny. The architect made me dinner. I drank some pomegranate/cranberry juice. After dinner, I decided that this standing up thing was so OVER, so I put on my pj’s and went to bed. It was about 7 PM when I slipped my legs between the sheets. Oh yeah, people, I am a party animal.

I didn’t actually fall asleep for a while – stayed up reading trashy books until close to 9, but I slept a good 10 hours.

I felt better this morning – just kinda foggy & still with a sore throat – so I headed off to work, where the crises live.

I was in the middle of crisis management, when I decided that instead of my lunch (leftover Moroccan Stew), I would just have a nice cup of chicken noodle soup. So I made one, as one does, with a soup envelope (left over from when our department had a budget for unnecessary items like SOUP and TEA) and the very hot water that comes out of a commercial coffee maker.

I took a sip & promptly burned all the skin off my tongue. Because that water? It is very hot.

So I did what I’m sure any of you would’ve done at that point – spilled the whole damn cup all over myself. And my keyboard (I am still unable to get all the noodles out from between the spacebar & the ‘alt’ key). And the floor. It was hot. I may have yelled (but, and I know you’ll all be surprised/proud, I did manage to avoid yelling any obscenities – go me).

I look awesome now – because nothing says business casual like a crusty white stain on the left leg of your pants.

And now – the debate? Do I run my 5 tonight (all symptoms are neck & above) or Wednesday? Tomorrow night is track workout, and I have to get 11.55 miles in sometime in the next three days, but do I wait & hope I get better? Or will a run make the whatever-it-is better? At this point, I’m not sure why I don’t feel well. My office mate (hi!) suggested swine flu, but I think that’s unlikely….opinions? advice? sympathy?

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