Weekend photo essay

Has been postponed due to not having the camera in order to download photos.  It was an interesting weekend, though.  So, you know, hold your breath & stuff for the photo essay!

The architect is at work right now, which sucks.  And although it is a holiday weekend, it seemed extra short.  I usually have Mondays off anyways, but I don’t feel that it was extra non-laborious.  I didn’t slave away being domestic today, with the exception of laundry & my bi-monthly grocery shopping.

I feel crabby.  That may have something to do with the unexpected houseguest.  Blah.

Next weekend will be very industrious.  We will finish the bulk of the driveway work AND I really need to start digging out the expanded garden so I can get the garlic planted in the next few weeks.  I bought some bulbs today, so I’ll want to get those planted in the next month, too.

Also found out today that my in-laws are coming 9/17 – 9/22.  I love my in-laws, so I’m actually very excited – I just like a bit more warning when guests are coming.  At least they’ll be here for the Pirate Festival!

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