My day of leisure

I keep expecting to have one, but so far, not so much.

I had a benefits seminar this morning at my new job, and then spent eleventy-billion hours at the doctors. (nothing wrong with me!  except my incredibly low heart rate which alarmed the nurse & the EKG machine.)

Then, I had to deposit my first paycheck from my new job (direct deposit next time, I hope); and then, I had to vote.  Well, actually, I voted yesterday, I just had to drop off my ballot.  It’s convenient, but I do kinda miss waiting in line and then getting a little “I voted!” sticker when I get done.  I’m very sticker motivated.  I’d do anything for a gold star.

Now I’m finally home.  Our neighbor Tom (of the bike rescue) stopped by with his daughter.  In addition to rescuing me on Saturday AND brining the architect & I food, he also rescued the architect’s bike glove which had been left behind.

And finally – we meet a neighbor that is our own age!  Although they do have kids, so that makes them a bit….odd, but perhaps we can get past that.  (Also, yesterday the architect & I went to get a burrito, and we ran into the person who hosted the party we went to a couple of weeks ago.  And I told her the architect’s name was Joe.  And it isn’t.  And now she probably thinks that I am completely insane and/or a strange bimbo-like person.  And seriously, I told her my husband’s name was Joe.  Stupid sun poisoning.)

It is still very very warm.

BUT – things in my garden are growing.  Peas, beans, lettuce, spinach, potatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, squash, zucchini, radishes AND an eggplant.  I am VERY excited about my eggplant.

The architect & I have been talking about camping Memorial Day weekend, and then last night realized that Memorial Day is NEXT Monday!  Which is crazy!  ACK!

Also coming up are a number of very important birthdays.  My niece turned 13 yesterday.  My good friend Brad is turning 25 on Thursday.  Next week is Dr. Marcy AND the architect.   It’s a very festive time.

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