Do Not Despair! I Have Returned!

More or less. I’m a bit laryngitis-y right now, but over all, things are pretty good.

I had an awesome trip to LA. Mexican food was eaten (and apparently Fiesta Cantina has a rooftop bar? Why don’t I know this? Is that where the celebs are?). Coronas were consumed. The sun shone on me. My two favoritest people in the whole city were seen. Plus, we had a celebrity sighting. I almost hesitate to tell you who, because I know you will all die of jealousy. But, I cannot hold the excitement in any longer – it was Fabio. I got an awesome photo that I will post later this week, but trust me – that was the best sighting EVER!

Also, I went to Amoeba Records, forcing my poor friend Brad into accompanying me, because I am an evil bitch that cannot be denied.

I flew back to Portland Monday, all sick & yucky (I’d been fighting a cold since last week, and finally gave into the bitch). Then, my husband attempted to kill me. But, I forgave him and we’re staying together.

Yesterday I felt crappy, and I’m feeling much better today – just a lingering headache & the no voice thing left. Of course, the architect woke up this morning with a sore throat – because I am a giver (also, see above where he tried to kill me).

When I started this post, it was because I had something spectacularly exciting to share (at least I assume it was spectacularly exciting), but now I can’t remember what that was. Just know that I wanted you all to be the first to know. (Just to end speculation, it had nothing to do with babies, jobs or books. That much I know. Does anyone else feel nauseated with attempting to end a sentence with a preposition?)

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