Well. That was an adventure, right?
It’s New Year’s Eve, my bitches. I don’t know about you, but this year was…something else. It was simultaneously a hundred years long and thirty-seven minutes. I can’t say I’m sorry to close the door on the year, but I’m equally cognizant that midnight tonight is a pretty arbitrary and completely permeable barrier. BUT STILL.
I still can’t believe 2020 is almost over. It probably is over for some of you already. This year has been full on banana crackers, and although I’m excited to show it the door, I’m not feeling confident about what 2021 might have to offer.

The good news is, though, that I switched up my meds in September and that has made a huge difference in my brain chemistry and also my productivity.
I NaNo’d the rest of The Dark Throne and finished the first draft about a month ago. I just got edits back this week (although I haven’t been able to look at them yet – this book has a lot riding on it and finishing up a series with zero loose ends is hard AF) and have set a release date!

Over the next month, keep your eyes out for discount deals on each of the first 6 e-books (I’ll send weekly reminders like I did leading up to the release of The Iron River). And, as always, I appreciate your reviews on Amazon! Still 3 away from the “magic” 50 on The Cardinal Gate.
I also have tentative release dates for the next couple books. Raising a Demon, the first in a new series, will be released in June, and Hell & High Water (Oracle Bay #4) will come out in October. I’m planning a Christmas novella for 2021, too, set in Eleanor’s world.
Starting in January & continuing until Raising a Demon is released, I’ll be sending out a chapter per month of the Raising a Demon prequel, “Match Made in Hell” via my newsletter, so check out the signup link at the top of the page if you’re interested in that!
That should be enough to keep me busy for the year!

As we say goodbye to this extraordinarily uniquely interesting year, I want to wish you all the best – luck, health, prosperity, happiness – in 2021.