The Dark Throne is Imminent!
Y’all. ALL Y’ALL. I am so close. SO CLOSE! (Something a lot of exes have heard and ignored…)
ANYWAYS! The Dark Throne, Eleanor #7, is super close to the end. I will type “the end” on Wednesday (12/9/20) and she’ll be out in the world just under 2 months after.
Why Wednesday you ask? (I assume.)
Wednesday would be my dad’s 71st birthday. He was, from the beginning, my biggest cheerleader and also so sure I’d get there. But then he had the poor timing and extremely bad taste to die before he could see my name in print (and, almost as egregiously, three weeks before he got to meet his only grandkid, the incomparable Alvie Bean, now 8).
I dedicated my first book to him, and I’m gonna dedicate this one to him as well. And maybe also Darwin, best cat (RIP, 2005-2020). Dad, Darwin, Death. Seems appropriate.
Over the next couple months, I’m gonna try to be around more. I’ll be saying things like, “Hey! You should buy my book, maybe!” or “Read any good books lately?” or “Please pray to bacchus to bless me during this, the most trying of times.”
So – stay tuned. There will be cover reveals! Fanfare! Giveaways! A MOTHERFUCKING BOOK TRAILER (kind of). And, on February 2, 2021, the end of an Eleanor era.