September 2017 – Goals
Every once in a while, I like to pretend I’m going to resurrect my habit of setting (and achieving) monthly goals. This is one of those months. I’ll try to remember to report back. I’ve got a busy fucking month ahead of me, and I need to be clear about what I’m doing. So, my goals, in mostly chronological order are:
- Pick my son up from his very last day of preschool ever. Take a picture. Don’t cry. (9/1)
- Finish all my last pre-editor edits on The Ruby Blade and get that sucker to my editor. (9/2)
- Drink champagne. (9/2)
- Make an apple pie with the Bean, because he wants to make one for the beer guy’s parents who are visiting. (9/3)
- Drop my boy off at his first day of Kindergarten. Take pictures. Don’t cry. (9/5)
- Edit a book for a new client (early Sept)
- Get my skin checked to make sure there’s no suspicious activity (9/11)
- Meet with new personal trainer and get new workout schedule set up (9/12)
- Write 45K words on Eleanor #4 (sekrit goal is 60K – which is 15K/week and my current average, but see all busy-ness)
- Write 2 chapters on my Raj novella
- Survive the beer guy’s 2.5 week trip to Belgium (I mean, obviously, I’ll survive, but, you know…)
- Keep on top of my day job stuff
- Write outlines for the first three books in my new series coming out about this time next year and conspire with my cover artist
- Turn around my article edits SUPAH FAST
- Write 4 chapters on SUPER SEKRIT PROJECT
- Actually sleep? I guess?
- Start meditating in the mornings again, which means
- Start getting up at 5:30 am again, which means
- In bed & asleep by 10:45 on school nights
- I really want a 20th goal, but couldn’t think of one, so how about a picture of a cat? (I also really want to show you a picture of my arm at the Nexplanon insertion site, because it’s HORRIFIC, but I won’t do that, either.)