It’s Holiday Time!
I’ve been doing pretty well. My moods ebb and flow more than I’d prefer, but overall, I feel more me than I have in ages.
I didn’t do the half marathon – and it was absolutely the right decision, but another DNS is hard to take.
Today is about laundry and relaxing and seeing the Hobbit. Tomorrow is about family and presents and friends who have become family.
This week is about keeping my son from climbing the tree, and the stairs, and whatever else he can find.
It’s about letting go of those things that I don’t need to hold on to – perceptions of past failures, stress that I can’t do anything about, and my need to present a perfect (ish) face to the world.
It’s about creating realistic goals and giving myself permission to fail. It’s about knowing what makes me the best Amy – physically and emotionally – and taking steps to make those things a priority.
It’s about realizing that I can’t do it all, and that that’s okay.
It’s about appreciating what I do have and striving for contentment instead of “more.”

Best holiday shirt EVER

Cutest holiday baby. Seriously.

Tiny holiday elf helps with gift wrapping.
I hope you all have a happy holiday season, whatever you celebrate. Hug your family and friends a little bit tighter and remember that you’re awesome.
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