Aggressive Happiness – Month 2 Review

Hi! So, on Monday when I said to come back “tomorrow” for an Aggressive Happiness update, I may have meant Friday. I have decided that linear time is boring.

SO – in November, I had a few things to work on.

  1. Continue with the daily meds – SUCCESS
  2. Continue with the in bed by 9 – SUCCESS
  3. Work on no negative self talk – SUCCESS
  4. 10K steps/day (includes running) – ehn…not bad
  5. Enjoy half marathon training – no pressure for speed; walk if you must – SUCCESS
  6. Weights 1x/week – Fail 🙁
  7. Take one new fun class – SUCCESS! I tried a yoga class at a new studio & loved it!


So – October was all about emotional well-being, and November about physical well-being.

I am happy to report that I am feeling…happy. More often than not, anyways.

I am going to keep on keeping on with the things that are working for me.



And now – I want tolook good.

I am going to get my hairs done again this month and just start taking a little more care with my appearance. I am now mostly done breastfeeding, and am going to start working a little harder on losing the rest of the pregnancy weight (and the pre-pregnancy weight). December is a rough time for weight-loss, so I’m not going to feel too badly if I just manage to NOT gain. But, I am already less hungry than when I was doing a lot more breastfeeding, and now that I am not tied to a feeding schedule, I can do more morning workouts, which should increase the amount of exercise I get.

Actually Aggressive Happiness Goals for December:

  1. Hair trim/color + actually do something with it!
  2. New clothes that fit – Just a couple pieces that will see me through until I’m back in my smaller clothes.
  3. Mani/Pedi
  4. Wax
  5. Wash face 2x/day
  7. Floss
  8. Water all the time!

Al lot of these were things that were part of my daily routine pre-pregnancy & throughout most of my pregnancy that a combination of exhaustion & depression kind of removed from my radar. Getting back into these routines will help me look better which I know will make me feel better.



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