Fitness Friday

It’s been almost a month since I posted a fitness Friday post, but except for one week, I’ve been staying on the fitness wagon pretty well. For example – the last 10 days:

6/19 – C25K week 2/day 2; P90X core

6/20 – P90X Plyometrics

6/21 – C25K week 2/day 3

6/22 – P90X shoulders & arms + ab ripper

6/23 – P90X kenpo

6/24 – C25K week 3/day 1

6/25 – C25K week 3/day 2

6/26 – P90X core

6/27 – C25K week 3/day 3; walk 2.1 miles; P90X plyometrics

6/28 – rest day (unscheduled, but needed!)

So – as you can see, I’ve been bringing it! (Oh, it’s already been broughten!)

So – goals for the next week:

Friday 6/29 – walk 3ish miles (done!); trail run (C25K week 4/day 1)

Saturday 6/30 – P90X shoulders & arms + ab ripper

Sunday 7/1 – C25K week 4/day 2

Monday 7/2 – swim

Tuesday 7/3 – P90X core

Wednesday 7/4 – C25K week 4/day 3; P90X plyometrics

Thursday 7/5 – P90X shoulders + arms/ab ripper


I really need to get some 8 lb weights (and probably some 12 lb-ers, too). Right now, I only have 5 & 10 lbs, and the 5s are too light for most things, but the 10s are a bit too heavy for a few things.

I am not so much losing weight, but I’m shrinking, and I know it can take a few weeks of exercise for the body to readjust and start losing again.

I am not P90x-ing every day, but am most days, so feel that I’m sticking to the spirit of the program, if not the letter (especially since I am exercising in some fashion most days).

Anyway! I feel pretty good, and am hoping that I can keep up with my activity level even when I’m back at work full time  next week.

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