As in baby chub. Little dude weighed 13.5 lbs today (in my very imperfect weighing methodology – can’t wait [ha!] for the official weigh-in 6/22). Dude’s got rolls. It’s impossible to keep his neck clean, because I can’t actually find it.
He is still eating like a champ, and I think professional eater could be a viable career. He is generally a pretty cheerful little guy, and if he cries, he’s either wet (50% of the time), hungry (40% of the time), or tired (9% of the time). The other 1% – no idea, but it’s so rare that I can’t get him calmed down in a few minutes, that I don’t worry too much. He is, after all, a tiny little baby and has terrible communication skills.
Yesterday, we went on a long journey all over town – to Ikea for some shelves, then Home Depot for the architect’s bday gift, and then, when they didn’t have what I needed, we went to Lowe’s. Alvie Bean was great until we were waiting for the giftie at Lowe’s (apparently they had to go make it in the back room, and the manufacture of a tool chest took a bit of time).
However, to cheer him up & distract him from the fact that he was wet & hungry, we hung out in the ceiling fan aisle – and lo! It was the coolest place I’ve ever taken him.

Ceiling fans are awesome and 500 ceiling fans are magical!
We got home after driving no faster than 30 mph so the tool chest wouldn’t fall out of my trunk, and he was pretty cheery for the rest of the day.
He is holding his head up longer and longer during tummy time – and it’s taking much longer for him to get frustrated.
He loves his hands – they are delicious! But has recently decided that his left thumb is the most tasty appendage of all. I think thumb-sucking babies are the cutest thing, and it amuses me greatly when he gets frustrated if he can’t get his thumb in his mouth the first few tries.
He still sleeps pretty well (knock on wood and anything else that will help). He is consistently going 4-5 hours at a time over night, but the schedule is still a might unpredictable, which makes planning early morning activities really difficult (sorry about missing this morning’s swim, Ambitious One! I was feeding the baby from 5:45 – 6:30!). He wakes up in the night and I hear him start to fuss over the monitor, then I go change his diaper and we eat between 20-45 minutes (usually 20 the first feeding, and 45 at the later one), and then I put him back in his room and he babbles to himself for a couple of minutes and then is quiet – or at least quiet enough that I don’t hear him over the monitor!
I just adore our time together and love talking to him, singing silly songs to him, and nomming on his chub.
As for me – I am really enjoying being back in the pool and doing some gardening work. I hurt my back while I was in labor, and it still gives me problems from time to time – I may have to suck it up and visit a chiropractor or something to get this taken care of. My weight is still dropping at a rate of 1.5 – 2 lbs per week, and I’m trying to hard to not compare myself to other people. I gained so much, and I know I can lose it. I also know the gain was partially a product of how stressful my 3rd trimester was and my limited amount of exercise that I was able to get due to my SPD issues. (Which are mostly cleared up now – yay!)
Tomorrow is my last checkup for me – and I’m hoping for the all clear to start running and biking. I am going to run on Friday. Well, walk/run. But still! Yay! I can fit into my 1st trimester pants (i.e. my ‘fat pants’), but not comfortably. I’m hoping that once I’m 9 weeks post partum, they fit as well as they did when I was 9 weeks pregnant. Right now, they just make a massive muffin top and limit my inability to sit down. BUT – all of larger sized stuff falls off, so I basically walk around hiking my pants up all the time right now.
My hair has slowly started to shed – I thought it would be a lot more dramatic, but it’s basically just back to a normal rate.
I have about 1 month of maternity leave left, and I am both excited to get back into a regular routine and a little sad that I won’t have a sweet baby face to look at every day.
The best part of this all? He smiles now, when he sees us, and it is beautiful.