Weekend in Review
No new pics today – I mostly just take pictures of cats now anyways. Of course, you should thank me, since soon, this will all be pictures of Alvie. And cats, too, probably.
So – the days are all running together now. I am (mostly) done with work. I do need to log in today & do a few things, as well as put in my out of office message. But – not going into the office has really messed up my concept of the passage of time.
Ummm…so…Friday! Friday I went to acupuncture, then made my mom go have mediocre suburban Mexican food with me before hitting Target for a couple of last minute baby items (like toilet paper and swiffer dusters to dust the ceiling fan – totally baby related). Whilst at Target, I started having contractions. “Yay!” I thought. Immediately followed by “I think I should leave Target now and go home.”
I made my mom drive home, and spent the rest of the afternoon having contractions. It was very magical. Or something. I did call the architect and ask him to come home a bit early – just in case. And he did! He skipped work happy hour and the promise of fried cheese sticks to come home! I showered and put on my going to the hospital outfit, and then…they just fizzled out. I made the architect miss cheese sticks for nothing! I am a bad wife.
I was pretty exhausted Friday night, though, even for just 5 hours of false labor.
Saturday I did…nothing. I rested. I hydrated. I crossed my fingers.
Sunday I had bursts of energy! I was putting away the flat ware from the dishwasher and realized that the drawer in which I store the flat ware was GROSS! So I (with the help of my mother) decided to clean it out. And then, I needed a new flatware tray, so we went to the dollar store. And then to the new nursery down the street (they had baby chickens! I didn’t get any) and then there was cleaning! And organizing! And more ceiling fan dusting (not by me, though – I am not allowed to climb on ladders).
Then, of course, I was wiped out.
I’ve been doing a lot of reading, and web surfing, and playing of Words With Friends.
And today – today is Alvie Bean Day. However, I do not think that Alvie is going to make an appearance today. He is just too cozy. Of course, there is now a FB movement to Free Alvie, and possibly a petition, and many people pleading my case (because Amy needs gin), so maybe he’ll listen.
I do, however, feel pretty confident that by the end of the week, I will have a new baby friend.
Happy week!

Darwin says you WILL have a good week...or else