December 2010 Goals

Can you guys believe that it’s December? Isn’t that just crazy?  ACK!  One more month left of this year that’s been a total roller coaster of a ride.

Let’s see how I did for my November goals….

November 2010 Goals

  1. Get the boot off (November 16) – SUCCESS!  I got the boot off!
  2. Be walking normally by the end of November – mostly SUCCESS! I am barely limping, and as long as I remember that my foot swells throughout the day and change my shoes from cute clogs to comfy walking shoes before walking all over campus, I’m fine!
  3. Finish all holiday shopping – FAIL! In fact, I have done almost no holiday shopping. Booo!
  4. Get back to regular gym visits – FAIL! Kind of. I have been exercising again. I’ve been to the pool (visit #2 tonight!). I have been on walks. I have been getting on the bike. So really the only way this is a fail is that my exercise is not taking place in the gym. So maybe this is actually a SUCCESS!
  5. Stay on this healthy eating track that I’ve been doing. – mostly SUCCESS! I have continued to lose weight – a little at a time, and feel that I’m doing pretty good during this season of gluttony! Woo!

December 2010 Goals

  1. Running by the end of the month!
  2. Survive the last 10 days of class & get an A in the class
  3. Don’t over-extend myself during the holiday season; say no when needed
  4. Stay zen while in Atlanta. I love my in-laws, but there are going to be a LOT of strangers involved in the trip (although I do get to go to Alabama & cross another state off the list), and I don’t particularly like strangers. At least there will be wine.
  5. Get my parents holiday gift box shipped off in a timely manner (i.e. no later than 12/17/10).
  6. Do not gain any holiday weight.
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