Stuff & Things
My camera still isn’t fixed, which means that all the posts that I want to do aren’t happening, because why would I type words when I could just insert photos?
Some serious harvesting has happened, but does the five-gallon bucket of potatoes exist if I don’t show it to the internet?
The corn is beginning to be eaten – and it is delicious!
The fall/winter garden was planted, and then promptly decimated by a small army of squirrels and the hot day yesterday. I’m hoping it revives.
Grape tomatoes are the only ripe tomatoes in my garden, but I’m hoping for the rest soon!
My pumpkins are getting big AND I have one butternut squash.
I have started volunteering for a great organization – and am so excited! I’m hoping to become invaluable so that they will hire me in a couple of years. (That is my new plan; my old plan was to kill the guy whose job I want & hide him in the compost bin – it was pointed out that that plan might have a couple of flaws.)
I have been running twice a week this month. I am training for my last hurrah 10K (to be held on October 3, if anyone is interested – although all participants who beat me have to buy me a beer afterwards).
I somehow injured my lower back and have been going through periods with a fairly decent amount of pain. I’m pretty sure it would be getting better on its own if I would stop sleeping on my stomach.
I wrote out my life list – and am now pretty eager to get started crossing things out.
Six weeks from today, I will be one day post-op. I have some fantastic friends who are going to come hang out with me for the few days after my surgery so that the architect doesn’t have to take more than one day off. I have some of the greatest friends ever!
I have been at my job for 2 years and 4 months; next month this will officially be the longest job I’ve ever had. Naturally, I’m starting to get itchy feet and a desire to move on. I have a countdown to graduation (Feb 2012!), which is when I plan on actually moving on (also, it is when I plan on turning 35). Eighteen more months! Woo!
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