Holiday Weekend
I am just getting to the end of my insane three-day work-week. I still have to reach the end of my school-week (I’m estimating about 11 am tomorrow morning), and then I’m free and clear to head out for the weekend – no worries, no school, no internet…wait a minute! What have I gotten myself into! ha!
The architect & I are headed out for a camping trip (our first of the year!) tomorrow as soon as my homework is done. We used to do a LOT of camping – back before we spent our weekends gardening and building sheds and driveways and training for marathons and other random crap. Now, we get out a couple of times a year. Which is ridiculous!
However, since I am doubting my ability to do any backpacking (stupid Damian), we are car camping this time. Near a lake. And the Pacific Crest Trail.
I’m bringing my trail running shoes. Just in case.
I’m bringing my yoga mat, too. Just ’cause I’m in the woods doesn’t mean I can’t get my zen on, right?
I’ll probably bring a few books. And a camera. I am really looking forward to a few days away from all distractions, and spending that time with the architect.
We get back on Sunday – and will spend that afternoon with a few friends, including the newly married kick-ass neighbors who will be newly back from their European Honeymoon.
The next few days, though, are all about this: