Amy of the Corn (part 1,986)
Are you guys sick of my corn updates yet?
Ha! Too bad. We have more corn updates (and general garden goodness).
The exponential corn growth is starting to slow down a bit I think.
The good news? I no longer have to wear clothes for these pictures & can now fulfill my dream of naked gardening! ha ha.
Carrie Corn is still the tallest, measuring in at 62″ yesterday (a 7″ growth from last week), and the exact same height as me (according to my driver’s license, anyways).
James Corn is about 29″ tall – 5″ taller than last week. He looks so healthy, but just not as strong as his brothers & sisters. There is a pretty good selection of tall corns, though, so I think I’ll end up with a decent crop.
In fact, there are some exciting things happening in corn world! (I know these pictures are going to embarrass them, but that’s too bad. It’s one of the joys of parenting.)
That is a wee corn tassel starting to poke up out of Carrie Corn! She’s hit puberty and is now changing in ways that made me wish I had a film to show her.
Also, another picture of Carrie Corn:
It may be hard to see, but I promise you that there is the very, very beginning of a tiny ear of corn there. My baby’s growing up! *sniff*
Other corns are starting to tassel as well, but Carrie is the only one with a baby corn ear place. 🙂
And for the rest of the garden:

conjoined pumpkin twins

a few of the nearly 3 dozen visible tomatoes

baby jalapeño

Baby cayenne peppers
And, just in case you wonder why I bother with all this gardening stuff:
The green beans, the broccoli, the potatoes, the parsley & the onions on the burger all came from my garden. The architect makes all our bread usually, but this is a leftover bun from our party. Soon, the peppers & tomatoes will also be from the garden. And I really have made cheese in the past, and am definitely going to give it another go again soon. However, I don’t think I will be slaughtering my own bison any time soon, so the meat will have to continue to come from the market!
This was a delicious meal – one of the all-time best (although not sure if it beats last summer’s best lunch ever – photo at the bottom of the page).
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