Corn Chronicles & Garden Update

But first – just wanted to update you. So far, no spider encounters today. (I didn’t go out the back door today, where they have been building their webs to catch me!)

And now – onto the corn.

The corn, as you can see, is well on its way to being knee-high by the fourth of July!

Even James Corn, who went through a rough patch for a few weeks has rebounded. He is not as tall as Carrie Corn, but he is doing better. It’s possible that the pep talk from my father (for whom James Corn is named) helped.

Carrie Corn - 18

Carrie Corn - 18"

James Corn is 7 Tall

James Corn is 7" Tall

The rest of the garden is looking pretty good, too. I could definitely use some rain, though (and for you rain haters out there, I’m just letting you know now – if we have no rain, there is no garden, and then you get no free produce – six months of no rain would be very, very bad indeed). My rain barrels are getting LOW, and have hardly enough pressure to fill up my water can anymore.

BUT – without further ado – the rest of the garden.



Tomatoes & Potatoes

Tomatoes & Potatoes

Black Beans

Black Beans

Squash Box - soon, there will be flowers!

Squash Box - soon, there will be flowers!

And for your amusement – just in case you need a car wash & detail – I feel this is the place to go!

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