Today, it’s all about me. My favorite pair of wedges (which are just over 2 years old & only cost $10, dammit) are on their last legs (mine, as a matter of fact). Therefore, I am allowed to buy a new pair. And, since you guys did so well with the voting last time, I thought I’d ask your opinion. Please vote on the following. (And remember, if you buy a sweet pair of shoes, email me the pic at gazellesoncrack at gmail, and I’ll post them. And make up a cool story about them, unless you tell me the real story!)
And now – to the shoes!
Pair 1:
Pair 2:
Pair 3:
(ha ha ha, just kidding – please don’t vote for #3)
Pair 4:
Or, Pair 5:
So, dear people – what say you?
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