Not really – unless you want to know that it’s your last chance to get 20% off Shoebuy’s birthday sale. (I hope the link works – it is an ’email exclusive.’)

I am in a funk lately. Not sure what’s going on, but when I’m home I have no real motivation. No motivation to cook or clean or do important shoe porn research.

When I’m at work, I am the master of motivation. I am getting things done ahead of schedule. I am spreadsheeting like the wind, people.

And last night – no trouble doing my run post-work. But the minute I walked into my house, instant apathy.

Blah. I actually got so distracted by other stuff I even forgot I was writing this.

So – sorry, no shoes for the 2nd week in a row. I’ve only purchased 1 pair (with my own $$ – I got a pair with a gift certificate) in the last 15 months, and that is the saddest story ever.

At least the weather will be nice the next few days – and I had a great 5 mile hill run last night – so not everything sucks.  My secret (not anymore) resolution is to not be negative anymore. I don’t always want to be the person that can’t find a bright (or at least less dark) side, who has nothing positive to say about the situation I’m in – because dammit! If things are that miserable, I wouldn’t be here, right? I’d e finding a plae where I was happy. And I am happy – I love Portland. I like my job. I adore my husband. Life is good. Dammit.

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