Sexy Six Pack Report

I agreed to review the Abs for Life book & plan for Run to Finish’s Sexy Six Pack Challenge.

The rules:

1. Program runs Jan 19 – Feb 17 (I received the book a bit late, but I started when I got it)
2. Commit to really following it or doing it at least 3 times a week (more or less)
3. Pick a success factor: Jeans are loser, inches lost, whatever you choose just let us know up front how you are judging the program (Inches lost/weight is mine; should’ve picked jeans fit – that’s the only place I noticed a real difference)
4. Report results along the way here or on your blog (ha! not so much.)
5. Report final results by Feb 20th to be entered in drawing for prizes (DONE!)

The results:

I hated this. Not getting a sexy six-pack, but I found the plan hard to use. It didn’t adjust well for home use. There were so many exercises, and it’s bulky to carry a big book to the gym to figure out what you’re supposed to do next.

The eating plan part was fairly intuitive, I thought – it was similar to 2nd phase South Beach, and makes sense. Watch the GI of foods. Eat lean protein. More carbs on heavy work-out days, etc.

I wish it’d come with a tear-out of the exercises, or alternates for home vs. gym or something.

I followed it the best I could considering (that I’m lazy & bad at committing to something that seems ‘hard’ to follow).

So – my stats.

Weight lost: .6 lbs (which surprised me, because my pants are getting loose, and I feel [and look] slimmer lately.

Inches lost:

Waist: 0.5 (not impressive)
Hips: 1.5 (impressive)
Right thigh (oh yes, I measure EVERYTHING): 0.25
Left thigh: 0.25
chest (under the chestular region): 0.25
Boobs: 1 inch (the architect cried a bit, when I told him)
neck: 0.25 (it’s a theme, almost)
Right bicep: 0 (but I feel that they’re more muscle, less flab)
Left bicep: ditto
Right calf: 0.5
Left calf: 0

So – overall I am slimmer a bit. Nothing earth shattering. I do, however, wish that I had measurements over the last few years. I’d like to see how much I’ve lost overall.

I do feel stronger – especially in the upper body area, and my abs are WAY stronger and more defined looking – just not showing it with the weight/inches.

SO – since I just totally panned this plan, is anyone else interested? First commenter to tell me that they want it can have this book passed on to them – with the condition that if YOU don’t like it, you pass it on in turn. I’m sure there are people out there who would enjoy this kind of thing. Just not me!

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