Friday Firsts

Today saw a number of FIRSTS – as is appropriate for the first Friday in 2009.

Today was much better than yesterday with one small exception – I woke up to more SNOW! But, I got out of bed & put on my running clothes anyway. I had coffee (yum) and made oatmeal. On the stove. With non quick cook oats. And it was good! I can’t do that meal on work days, because I often don’t eat breakfast until I get to work (I hit the gym earlier than I can make my body want food), and I don’t have a stove & dedicated fridge at work). But, it was the FIRST time I’d made stovetop oatmeal (although not likely the first time I’ve eaten stovetop oatmeal). And it was good.

But I foresee delicious oatmeal three days a week, at least. I made it with half water & half vanilla soymilk then stirred in some peanut butter & apple butter – and sprinkled with cinnamon & sugar. SO DELICIOUS!

After I had digested my breakfast & girded my loins, I headed out for my run. In order to get my 20 mile week, I needed to run 8 miles between today & tomorrow (since I did NOT run yesterday- and instead hit the elliptical for an hour instead). I had the vague goal that I would try for slightly more than half of the 8 miles – 4.5 or so.

That was some hard running. It was so beautiful out – the sun was shining, the sky was blue, the world was blanketed with snow. Snow, which covered the sidewalks. Snow, that made slush on the roads. Snow that was wet, wet, wet. And it was the FIRST time I’ve run six miles on a Friday. Ever in my life. In fact, Saturday/Sunday has always been long run days, and long runs have always been anything over 4 miles. So – my definitions of long are obviously changing – which is good, what with that upcoming marathon & everything.

I had to stop every mile to walk for a minute, running in the slush & ice & snow was hard on the ankles –I think I worked extra hard just maintaining my balance (which isn’t that good to begin with).

But – I ended up running six. (And my socks & shoes were soaked when I got home!) So – tomorrow, I’ll go for a quickie little 2 miler with the architect (I can always talk him into running with me when it’s 3 miles or less; much like he could talk me into cycling with him if it was under 20 miles).

And I feel good now, many hours later. I’m not taking the pain pills every day anymore – just on running days, and that seems to be working pretty well.

The rest of the day has been busy with errands. I took my shoes to a shore repair place. I returned the first dress I purchased for the holiday party that wasn’t. I picked up a couple of things at Target.

Oh, yeah – and I did this:

I donated one foot of hair to Lock of Love. It’s the FIRST time I’ve cut off a foot of hair. It’s the FIRST time I’ve cut my hair since 2007. It’s the FIRST time that my neck has been cold because of lack of hair.

As I’m writing this (in a bar, waiting for a friend – a bar without wireless, so I can’t upload until I’m home), the architect has not yet seen it, so I’m not sure if we’re divorced or not. Hopefully not. This is short. Possibly shorter than I’ve ever had it since I was 8 or something. It was scary. Very, very scary.

Tell me internets (and yes, I’m shamelessly trolling for compliments, likely not the FIRST time), do you like it?

Finally, I want to wish Carolina John & his wife best of luck on their FIRST half marathon tomorrow. I know that they’ll rock that thing!

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