Actually, for the first time in weeks, I didn’t do any advance research. I didn’t spend hours several minutes looking at and drooling over shoes on Monday. I didn’t type this in advance. And in fact, as I type this sentence, I have no shoes to share.


BUT – I do not want to let you down, loyal shoe porn readers! 

So – on the fly, I give you one (ONLY ONE) bit of shoe porn today:

They are very pretty. And apparently a best-seller. And out of my price range. 

However, we have more pressing problems. It turns out that I will, in fact, be going to the architect’s holiday party. The party put on by the company that laid him off a few weeks ago. It’s complicated. BUT – free food & booze, so hard to say no.

That is not the problem. The problem is I have nothing to wear, a VERY limited budget and 1.5 weeks in which to find an appropriate holiday dress.

Help? What’s a poor girl with an awkward figure (size 4/6 on the bottom, size 8/10 on top) to do? Last year, I had a beautiful dress, but even if I was to wear the same dress TWO YEARS IN A ROW, I’d really rather not, because I shopped with the architect, and when he assured me, “No, honey, of COURSE that’s not too much cleavage” I listened to him. I’d rather not have to drink enough wine to make my own cleavage look blurry. 

I kind of like this:

Or this:

But am afraid that both present the problem of too much boob as I believe I might be slightly more well-endowed than the above models. 

Suggestions? Please?

I don’t want to sound desperate, but pretty please?

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