
We’ve been domestic all day today. The architect made bread. I roasted a couple of LARGE pumpkins (thanks, Kim!), and will make a LOT of pumpkin butter, as well as pumpkin puree for pies & cookies & oatmeal. YUM! I also have a couple cookie sheets of pumpkin seeds that I will roast tomorrow. And a cookie sheet of cranberries that will dry overnight in the oven.

Unfortunately, I have to go to a party tonight, and I’m not sure my pumpkins will be all ready for their overnight journey into butter-dom by the time we have to leave!

The architect is outside finishing a landscaping project we started (and purchased for) a few weeks ago. I don’t think we’ll be starting any new projects anytime soon – just finishing what we already have materials for. (No baseboards for now, I guess. I will have to deal with the fact that you can see the area where our floors meet our walls. Ewww.)

It’s a nice day. Tomorrow will be nice, too. I have a 10 AM run scheduled, and then the architect & I are going to finish making our rain barrels.

I am sad that I forgot to harvest any lavender when my plants were blooming.

I am happy that I have fresh rosemary, mint, oregano & sage whenever I want it.

I’m going to plant little pots of spinach to keep in the kitchen so we can have lots o’ greens all winter.

I am pleased that the only real lapses in frugality have been things easy to correct – dining out & my shopping habits. We don’t have to make major lifestyle changes, and that is nice.

I do wish that I had a small chest freezer (that’s right, Margaret, a chest freezer) for all my stuf. It’s easier (and cheaper) too cook in bulk & freeze the leftovers. I don’t want to spend $250 for a new one.

I pretty much love my life. 🙂

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