I mean, seriously….for only three days of work, that was intense.

Today?  I slept as late as my hungry monsters would let me.  I drank coffee and ate waffles for breakfast.  I lounged.

Now, I am digesting my lunch (grilled cheese, tomato soup & chocolate milk – it’s nice to have a half marathon coming up – I can eat whatever [within reason, of course]).

This afternoon, I’ll do a short cardio session, some weights, then some gardening.  I’m making bread right now.  I have a phone call to return, and the door-to-door political canvassers to avoid.


My first week was amazing.  I wish I could share more of the details with you all, but although I don’t care if you know where I work, I very much care if you know where I work.  Suffice it to say that I am working at the largest place I have EVER worked, even including my dotcom days.

I love it.  I love the things I’ve seen and the things I’ve learned.  I love that my boss loves me and is impressed at how fast I’m picking things up.  I love how fast I’m picking things up.  There are a lot of things to learn, and I’ve just started, but it’s not going to be as overwhelming as I thought.  I’m apparently quite fancy, and I will have a lot of responsibility.


And, one fun story.  I was in line at a cafeteria yesterday (I seldom bring my lunch the first week of any new thing – not sure why).  There are a few different options – you can get something from the grill, you can get the special of the day, or you can do soup & salad bar.  They are all in different areas.

There is a woman in front of me at the special of the day (which was fancy salads) who wanted a chicken sandwich – so she ordered one.

The man making the fancy salads proceeded to start making a chicken salad.

“Everything on it?” he asked.

She said, louder this time, “I want a chicken sandwich.”

He smiled, and continued making her salad.

I said, “Grill items are at that station over there – this is just the salads.”

“Oh, I guess I’m not getting a sandwich then.”

I was about to offer to take the salad, since it was what I was going to order, anyways, when she added, “You know, some English would be helpful.”

I almost said (and I’m still kicking myself because I didn’t), “Yes, it does come in handy for sign reading & interpretation.”

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