PORN! (As well as Day 2 of Birthday Watch)

First – the porn. I was alerted to this shoe by my friend Kris, and when I checked my email this morning – there it was. I lust. Seriously. So, so pretty.

Bettye Muller is fast becoming my favorite designer for spring. *le sigh* If someone wanted to send me these for my birthday, I’d be eternally grateful. You know, if anyone happened to have an extra $400 laying about with nothing to spend it on.

I’ll not hold my breath.

In birthday news, I received my first card yesterday (thanks Steph!). It was very exciting. I also received my first donation to my Reach the Beach fundraising, which was also exciting (thanks Sara!). Now that I have actual money, I suppose I’m going to have to actually ride 100 miles. First training ride is Sunday….training for two major events is interesting, since my half marathon is 5/10 & my century ride is 5/17. And then – almost immediately is a triathlon. Makes my 15K run next month seem a little less scary. Maybe.

I will make sure to give you more Birthday Watch updates – as well as an update on how my first kickboxing class goes tonight (unless I chicken out & just hit the treadmill – which could totally happen).

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