Can You Believe It?

It’s Tuesday!

So many things have happened. The architect had his surgery, and although we spent approximately eleventy-hundred hours at the hospital on Friday (or 11, whatever), everything was just fine. The surgery went well, and the architect is suffering through the healing process as expected. I think it would be better if he sat on the couch and relaxed instead of getting up Saturday morning for a mile walk….but who am I to nag?

The weekend ended up being pretty mellow. I felt kinda crappy, too, so I did very little. I mean, I gardened, and ran 3 miles, and did a lot of housework, and bought a wheelbarrow (upon which I intend to write: “So much depends…”), and went to the dentist, and, of course, went to the Pirate Festival. Where I ate something sketchy.

Yesterday I had to go to work, leaving the poor architect at home to fend for himself. AND, I had an AAUW meeting after work (which involved a table of desserts and a table of salads – and I think the salad table was only marginally healthier than the dessert table) so didn’t get home until late.

And today? there is more work! And people want stuff. It’s crazy.

Also, today is my cousin’s birthday. Happy birthday, D. Last week, the architect & I went to a movie with my cousin and her man. We saw Superbad, which I didn’t expect to like very much, but I actually found it hilariously funny. Also, we got to drink beer while watching the movie, and now I’m anxious to go to another movie. Because beer. And pizza. That makes the presence of other people almost tolerable.

Ummm…so, yeah. I’m feeling a bit flaky lately. I flaked on spin class tonight (but power walked 65 minutes at lunch today, and 75 yesterday), and am flaking on my half-marathon. I just can’t break past the 7-mile mark, and there’s no way I can double my distance in a month. So, I feel terribly about that, but also don’t want to die. Because death is bad. Also, not walking (which is much more likely than dying, honestly) is bad. So, I’m going to try to hit 10 miles by the end of October, and that will be a good year – since I went from post-surgery barely able to hit 2 miles in February to 10 miles by 10/31/07 – that’s not terrible. Next year, I will do a half. And maybe a full, if the half doesn’t make me miserable. And really, I have plenty of time. I’m barely into my 30s, after all.


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