
It’s been a busy few days.

Tuesday, the architect & I went on an outing to Multnomah Falls. The falls are quite beautiful, and we had a lovely 4 mile hike up to the top of the Falls and then around to see some other waterfalls.

As we hiked, we saw a very cool slug.

As we were driving back, we found an old cemetery. Old cemeteries are one of my passions, so we stopped and took some pictures. As we were walking into the cemetery, the most wonderful smell surrounded us. The entire cemetery was ringed with more blackberry bushes than I have ever seen in one place. They were so good!

The cemetery itself was beautiful…there weren’t many gravestones left, and many that were there were toppled, but it was lovely all the same.

There were a lot of children buried there – I’m not sure if the missing headstones were adults, or if the children just outnumbered the adults in this cemetery. Overall, it was quite a nice cemetery.

Yesterday brought more driving around. I’m really loving this city! Even thought I can hear the trains go by, and we’re not too far from the freeway, when I look out my windows, everything is greed and there are so many trees.

Tonight, I’m supposed to go jogging. Blah.

Tomorrow, I would like to ride my bike to some local cemeteries – I have a photo project in mind.

Saturday, the architect and I are going to the Tour de Fat. Bikes and beer…how do you resist that?

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