Frosty the windshield owes me a hot toddy

I had to scrape my windows yesterday for the first time this year. It was actually the first time in ages. Last year, the architect scraped my windows most of the time, due to the fact that my huginormous belly got in the way.

Anywhosits, that is not really my point.

I made it through the five day weekend! AND – as a bonus – I didn’t even set my kitchen on fire! There may have been a close call, but it all worked out in the end.

My mom and sister arrived Wednesday (separately), and after a P90X core workout, I headed out to fetch them.

I conned my sister into having lunch and beer with me, and then we headed back home to do a little more work. And have a few more kitchen disasters. I almost gave up on my 18# $100 (seriously) heritage turkey at one point. It was a pain in the ass.

BUT – I persevered. And got nothing checked off my to do list EXCEPT that stupid turkey.

Wednesday evening was great – my mom & sister got reacquainted with Alvie Bean AND my mom made a pie. That is a good time.

Thursday morning was the Turkey Trot! Everyone did different distances (there were wings – 2.5ish miles; legs – 3-9 miles; and the turducken – 10+ miles). I went in thinking I’d do a 10K leg. After 2 miles, I decided I was more of a wing girl. The run was hard! BUT – the Ambitious One talked me into 4 miles. So, we went for 4. At 4, I decided I could do 5. I got to the turn around point and ran back to my car. When I checked my phone, I was at 6.12 miles. Obviously at that point, I had to run the last .08 miles to get a 10K!

So, I was tricked into sticking to my original plan.

Turkey Trotters (minus photographer AS & anti-social Mr. Pi)

After the run, I headed home to finish getting ready for the big dinner. There was the aforementioned turkey (which was awesomely delicious and worth all the trouble it gave me), gravy, cranberries, and crack potatoes. My mom made the gravy & cranberries in addition to the pecan pie. My cousin brought stuffing, roasted root veggies, and Brussels sprouts au gratin (yum), pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin pie, and her dad! There was good wine, good food, and good company.

The Bean had turkey and sweet potatoes, and loved it. He was pretty upset that we wouldn’t share the wine with him, though.

Friday was a day of relaxing and cleaning up and watching my son be adorable.

He worked on standing and scooting and talking.

Saturday was yoga day! And then I took my family for a ride in the Portland Tram and then to show off my office.

Sunday (very very early) morning, I took my mom & sister back to the airport. 🙁

Later that day, the architect went for his first bike ride in ages – about a month due to pneumonia! When he returned I went for an 8 mile run. On Terwilliger. Which is hilly.

Also? COLD! It seemed not so cold when I left home and while running. But by the time I finished my hilly eight miler (and I only got lost once!), I was freezing. A venti latte and a hot shower helped a bit, but I was not quite prepared for the chilly run.

Sunday afternoon, my family & I just chillaxed. I hung with my two favorite guys and tried to pretend I didn’t have to go to work the next day.

Overall, quite a nice time. I am now two days into my first 5 day work week in ages. I hope I survive! Thursday morning I have a pretty big meeting, so yesterday & today are all about prep work for that. (That process would be easier if I had a heated network jack in my office. Apparently at some point Monday evening, my network jack got cold feet. Or whatever. And it wasn’t fixed by 4 pm Tuesday. Which is great.)

So – all in all? Things are good. I feel good. My family is healthy. I am feeling bits o’ holiday spirit.

Life is pretty fantastic.

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