Winning! All the winning!
Hi! I’m hoping to get back to a schedule that’s NOT ‘every six weeks,’ but realistically, it might continue this way through the rest of the year. I’ve finished Oracle Bay 2 and it’s off to the editor this week. I have a good start on the novella that is ostensibly Oracle Bay 3.5. I am still hoping to bust out Oracle Bay 3 in time for the winter holidays, and Eleanor Morgan #5 will be out the end of February.
BUT BUT BUT – updating you all on my publishing schedule is only kinda why I’m here.
Mostly, I’m here to announce that Eleanor has new covers! And they are so beautiful. My previous covers were also great, and I’ll always have a special place in my heart for them, but Eleanor v2.0 is a whole lotta wow.
Are these magnificent or what? Daqri Combs (of Covers by Combs) did these for me and I am so excited about them. I love that she kept the original color scheme and added hella more dragons. (pssstttt…there is a super sale going on in the store for my remaining paperbacks with the original covers! grab them while they last!)
In addition to new covers, The Cardinal Gate is getting a rewrite/edit for the first third and that will be live by the end of the week, too!
As if that wasn’t exciting enough, The Waning Moon got an Honorable Mention in the 2018 Readers’ Favorites awards in the Urban Fantasy category!
I am so pleased with this award. This is the second book that I published, and to get an Honorable Mention is a huge deal for me. It is so gratifying! I feel fancy.
Last, but not least – Not in the Cards is going to be released in a just a few weeks! Grab your presale copy for $0.99 now! Price is back up to $3.99 once it comes out on October 25.
I’ll be back on and off for the next month, talking about my books and release dates and deadlines and my release party on 10/25 (if you’re in Portland and want to come, let me know), as well as my upcoming whirlwind trip to Vancouver BC and a weekend getaway to Oracle Bay.
In addition, starting about 10 days before Not in the Cards comes out, there will be a gift basket giveaway, so stay tuned!