May Day! May Day!
Well hellllooooooo! I have been gone lo! these many weeks. I feel like the last five weeks have been crazy, but then when I look back at my life, it turns out that crazy is the new normal. (That’s what my shrink says. Probably.)
Since The Broken World came out, I’ve been managing to keep myself busy. (True story – 99% of the time I type “busy,” I accidentally write “busty” instead. And I have definitely been keeping myself busty.)
ANYWAY. What have I accomplished?
- I finished my first draft of “It’s Not in the Cards,” which will be the first book in my Oracle Bay series.
- I started a new medication that seems to be (knock on all the black cats) working pretty well, now that the side effects have mostly dissipated.
- I took a quick trip to the coast to visit Oracle Bay with the Beer Guy.
- I’ve been editing for my freelance clients.
- I’ve outlined Oracle Bay #2
- I’ve spent more time learning about blocking IP addresses and dealing with Amazon customer service than I cared to
- I’ve been momming at a very high level (side note: when does parenting get easy? asking for a friend)
- I’ve managed to get through 4.5 seasons of Supernatural
- I saw Hamilton (!!!)
- I went to the Saturday yoga class that’s been on my calendar for a year. Yes, for the first time. (I’ve been twice now. I’m ready for my Yoga Journal cover shot.)
So, you know, since all that crap’s behind me…
I want to revive my habit of making monthly goals. But I also don’t want to get carried away. Small starts. I’m a huge checklist person. Nothing makes me happier (well, almost nothing) than crossing things off a list. And although I’ve been riding out this never-ending storm, I’d like to get enough perspective/distance to see if I’m just sitting in some rough water or if I’ve lost my ability to determine how hard things are. So. Goals.
May 2018 Goals
- Yoga – six classes
- Oracle Bay 2 – 40K words
- Two Raj chapters/two Wing and a Prayer chapters
- Get the bike out and make sure it’s ridable. Then, if I’m feeling extra feisty, ride it.
- 3/6/12 month business plans.
That is ambitious, but achievable.

Dream big, pony boy.
And you? Anything big for May? I can’t believe the school year’s almost over and my kid is just about finished with kindergarten. How did that even happen?
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