Five Things Friday
Oh hey! It’s been a bit! Since it’s Friday, and I missed 3 Things Thursday, I’m going to give you TWO BONUS THINGS! I know, I know. You’re welcome.
- I am leaving for Ireland/Spain in just over a month. 32 days or something like that. I don’t even have a packing list yet, and I’m a bit worried. (I’m also worried that the Beer Guy says he’ll be cutting back the amount of stuff I’m bringing, because apparently, for a 16 day trip, you don’t pack 16 complete outfits + a couple extra “just in case” and then just some random shit because…reasons.
- I started new meds this week. The shrink lady said “take this in the morning, but if you find it makes you drowsy, you can switch to evenings.” So, I took my first dose Wednesday morning. I was yawning so hard all day I thought my jaw would split, and I kept dozing off at work. Including in a meeting. Which was super awesome. I switched to evening and took my second dose last night. I slept like a baby. But one of those good babies who sleeps all night. Not the baby who wakes up hungry every two hours. (I have been sleeping like a champ this week due to other new med, and it’s making me happy.)
- I finished The Broken World last week and sent it off to my first readers. Reader #1 – aka my PSM – gave me the best compliment any author could want. (Reader #2 – aka the Beer Guy – has given me zero feedback so far, but he hasn’t broken up with me yet, so I’m hoping that’s a good sign.)
Narrator Voice: Amy did not feel terrible.
- My freelance editing business is busy AF the first half of the year. We (because we are a we now) do have a few slots open. If you need proofreading, there’s definitely room. If you want a full edit, you’ll have to hit me up with your details so we can decide if we can fit you in. Either way, I suggest booking sooner rather than later if you want to guarantee a spot. Hit me up at amyrcissell at gmail!
- I get my kid back tonight! The current custody schedule of one week on/one week off has the advantage of cutting down the number of times Bean has to go back and forth during a week, which is easier on him, but seven days without my kid is hard AF. I’m always so excited by Friday. (That excitement is mostly gone by 7 am on Saturday morning when he wakes me up, even though he’s not supposed to wake me up until his clock says it’s ‘morning,’ but there’s always an emergency – like he needs help on a lego build. that help usually consists of me doing exactly what he tells me to do while I try to wake up.) We’ll be doing a fun lego build this weekend, though, because the tooth fairy (who he absolutely knows is me) gave him enough money to supplement his allowance so he could buy the Sydney Australia skyline lego architecture set. My baby lost his first tooth!
I did not take this photo, which is why it’s so terrible, probably. Sadly, he lost his tooth about 2 hours after I dropped him off at school last Friday.
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