Writerly Wednesday
Heya, people! I need to get back to The Waning Moon, so I just have a few bullets for you today.
- If you read The Cardinal Gate, please, please, please leave it a review on Amazon. Even if you just thought it was kinda meh – a couple 2 & 3-star ratings won’t make me cry (maybe just don’t tell me your real name). Unless you’re also a Cissell. Those reviews get taken down right away.
- Newsletter goes out next week! Chapter three of Raj’s story will be included as well as a new semi-regular feature “Eleanor’s brew review.” Sign up in the sidebar (or literally, on any page of this website). I’ll be sending out the first two chapters of Raj’s story ahead of time (I know I have a few subscribers since the last newsletter went out, and I want you to have a chance to get caught up!) (Pssssst: Also in the May newsletter? Title reveal and tentative publication schedule for book three!)
- Edits are going well on The Waning Moon. I’m just trying to clear up a couple bigger items and then it’ll be ready to go back to the editor for the big look-over. There will be a special newsletter edition in early June with the cover reveal before the special reveal on 6/20.
- I’ll have pre-order links for The Waning Moon up around 6/1.
- AND, if you haven’t read The Cardinal Gate yet, it’s available on Kindle, in paperback through Amazon & in Kindle Unlimited.

Release date: June 27!
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