Happy Blogiversary to Gazelles on Crack!
Just over ten years ago (ten years and a couple weeks), I published my very first post on this blog.

Gazelles on Crack is turning 10!
I’d been blogging for a while – first on Xanga (gosh, it’s really too bad that I am unable to locate those posts…too bad indeed) and then later on LiveJournal. That apparently does still exist. I even appear to still have ten friends left on LJ.
I don’t remember why I decided to switch over to my own blogging platform. Probably because so many cool people blogged and I thought I’d give it a shot. I’m certainly not as prolific now as I was ten years ago. I don’t even get the readership that I got ten years ago. But we’re still at it, even now.
In the past ten years, I’ve written 1,676 posts and received 7,123 comments.
I’ve written 480 posts about running and 173 about gin and cheese. That’s even more than the 166 posts I’ve written about my kid. (Gotta have priorities!)

Running and Bubbles!
I’ve written 100 posts about books, including book reviews and 158 about shoes.
My posts are fairly evenly balanced (according to my tag cloud) among
- Alvie Bean
- Book Reviews
- Exercise
- Goals
- Running
- Shoes

It was my friend Margaret’s Prada pumps that really got me hooked on beautiful shoes. Damn you, Margaret!
You’ve been here for my move from Los Angeles to Portland, for my wedding, for my adventures in domestic bad-assery and gardening, for the death of my father and the birth of my son, and for my next big adventure of moving out on my own sans architect.

Toasting the new house with an extravagant bottle of bubbly. #40before40
Maybe you’re one of the readers who got here via a random internet search? Although the most popular search term on the day I’m writing this is “toe prosthetic”(?), the top ten overall search terms (that are not my actual blog name) are:
- Anthropophobia (still relevant – I’ll catch you up on Day 2 of Vegas: The Hiding soon)
- Spiders (legit)
- No Sleeping (It’s like you know me, google search engine!)
- Early Pr0n (Early in the morning? Pre-modern? Are we hoping for medieval pr0n? I NEED MORE INFORMATION!)
- Christina Ricci
- Dirty Hippie
- Beach Wedding Shoes
- Unicorn Bicycle
- I Suck
- The toaster is very loyal (This is my favorite)
Most of the rest of the top are variations on pr0ns and shoes (or combinations thereof. Like Salvadorian Shoe Pr0n.)

Must insert own pr0n
This may be less relevant, but the top three search terms for the last quarter are:
- Unicorn cut a bitch
- Accidental cleavage
- Cat maid outift

I actually thought this image search was going to be mainly cats. HAHAHAHA! No.
I approve of Google sending all of you my way. Welcome. Pull up a chair and pour yourself a gin.
The top five posts ever are pretty much what you’d expect after seeing the popular search terms.
- Arach Attack!
- Anthropophobia
- Faux-lebrity Encounter
- (Spring Trends in) PR0N!!!; and oddly
- Product Review – Moji Knee Ice Pack
Disappointingly, none of my book reviews are more compelling than fear, fake Jennifer Grey, shoes, or (???) ice packs, although my 2015 wrap-up is pretty far up the list…
The best, really, are the friends I’ve made via blogging. There is no way to name them all, of course, but a few that I’ll mention are Eliza, Claire, Meri, Steph, Kristine, Jessica, Erika, Amy, the PBRs, and certainly not least, my PSM Cat. Through Cat I’ve met a lot of other people, and the network keeps expanding and expanding.

This is my bff, Thor the Thunder thug. And also my psm, Cat. She is not, as far as I know, the thunder anything.
So thanks, readers. Thanks for ten years of reading, commenting, sending me pictures of shoes, helping me discover new books and authors and websites that will help me waste time, and most of all for sharing my life.

Thanks for a great 10 years!
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