Three Things Thursday
- SLEEP: Holy hells, interwebz, I am tired. It’s been a busy couple of months, but I shouldn’t be this tired. I’m still getting decent sleep most nights and since November ended, I haven’t even been getting up at five to write. (Which is a problem.) I don’t know if the stress of all the travel + the writing schedule I put myself on in November + the work-related stress (including my certification exam I took on 11/11 which still no results!) has finally worn me down, but I am tired. It’s hard to stay awake until 11 most nights and I’m sleeping through my 4:55 alarm and my (now needed) 6:30 am BACK-UP alarm.
It could also be that the number one side effect of one of my drugs is fatigue/sleepiness (and another side effect is dizziness/lack of coordination, which might explain why my legs are so bruised and I keep having dizzy spells).
Maybe this is the cure…
- WRITING: I actually did get some words down yesterday, which was nice. Not a ton – only about 1,000 or so, but it reminded me how much I’m enjoying this story. There are some skipped scenes in the book because they require some major research which I did not want to do in the November rush to 50,000 words, so I think it’s time to pick up my stack of books and get back into the research. It’s pretty much the best part of the job.
Required Reading
- MOVING: After my swim on Tuesday I was feeling exceptionally motivated to do something yesterday. Not something crazy, like going for a run, but maybe some yoga. I love me some Hatha yoga and for the love of Freya, couldn’t find a single studio in my neighborhood (even when I broadened that significantly) that offered a Hatha class during the day. It was all Bikram and Power Vinyasa, two things that I don’t particularly enjoy. I could’ve You Tubed it, of course, but that would’ve been too much work. WAAAY more than driving somewhere any paying for a class. So instead I did not exercise – didn’t even go for a walk. I need to do better today.