Three Things Thursday

  1. SLEEP: Holy hells, interwebz, I am tired. It’s been a busy couple of months, but I shouldn’t be this tired. I’m still getting decent sleep most nights and since November ended, I haven’t even been getting up at five to write. (Which is a problem.) I don’t know if the stress of all the travel + the writing schedule I put myself on in November + the work-related stress (including my certification exam I took on 11/11 which still no results!) has finally worn me down, but I am tired. It’s hard to stay awake until 11 most nights and I’m sleeping through my 4:55 alarm and my (now needed) 6:30 am BACK-UP alarm.

    It could also be that the number one side effect of one of my drugs is fatigue/sleepiness (and another side effect is dizziness/lack of coordination, which might explain why my legs are so bruised and I keep having dizzy spells).

    coffee and unicorns

    Maybe this is the cure…

  2. WRITING: I actually did get some words down yesterday, which was nice. Not a ton – only about 1,000 or so, but it reminded me how much I’m enjoying this story. There are some skipped scenes in the book because they require some major research which I did not want to do in the November rush to 50,000 words, so I think it’s time to pick up my stack of books and get back into the research. It’s pretty much the best part of the job.
    Required Reading

    Required Reading


  3. MOVING: After my swim on Tuesday I was feeling exceptionally motivated to do something yesterday. Not something crazy, like going for a run, but maybe some yoga. I love me some Hatha yoga and for the love of Freya, couldn’t find a single studio in my neighborhood (even when I broadened that significantly) that offered a Hatha class during the day. It was all Bikram and Power Vinyasa, two things that I don’t particularly enjoy. I could’ve You Tubed it, of course, but that would’ve been too much work. WAAAY more than driving somewhere any paying for a class. So instead I did not exercise – didn’t even go for a walk. I need to do better today.

    unicorn yoga

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