Word Nerd: Solecism
I have not used last week’s word at all. I thought about it frequently and practiced in my head, but then I was concerned that I would use it incorrectly and someone would make fun of me. (This is actually a fairly constant worry of mine. I have so many friends with prodigious vocabularies that I often avoid using my fifty cent [and silver dollar] words in their presence [or in the presence of their eyes] so I don’t appear idiotic.)
So, this week’s installment will be particularly apt.
[sol–uh-siz-uhm, soh–luh–]
1570–80; < Latin soloecismus < Greek soloikismós, equivalent to sóloik ( os )
( Sólo ( i ) a city in Cilicia where a corrupt form of Attic Greek was spoken + -ikos -ic) + -ismos -ism
I will try to worry less about committing a solecism with my new words and hope that those who hear me in an error will gently point out said error with a minimum of mockery.
“solecism.” Dictionary.com Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 12 Jun. 2014. <Dictionary.com http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/solecism>.
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