Something weird is happening…

For years I was so obsessed with  my monthly goals that I would track them with spreadsheets (shut up!), and write my goal blog posts a few days ahead of time to see how I was doing and then schedule the publication date for the 1st of the month. Then, in April, I did not publish any goals at all.

I did do May goals – even on the first of the month, but totally forgot about them until just now when I was looking in  my archives to see if I’d blogged about something else. So – here are my May goals and some June goals, too!

May 2013 Goals

  1. Write every day. I’ve been doing pretty well on, but did not manage to write every day in April. This month, I will do eet! – SUCCESS! I totally wrote every day in May, and so far every day in June. Sometimes I only wrote nonsense, but I have an unbroken 37 day streak (38, once I write today).
  2. Get the garden in – SUCCESS! Everything that is going to be planted is in the ground. Truthfully, that didn’t happen until June 2, but it’s done now, biscuits!
  3. PT exercises on the knee 4x/week – FAIL! I did dig out the PT exercise guide from last time I needed it, but that’s as far as I got.
  4. Great trail run w/ my niece on our trip to Hotlanta – SUCCESS! It wasn’t trails, but it was a great run and an amazing time.
  5. Cross off three more projects off my big ol’ work project list (Serv Fac, X-Drive Architecture, Presentation) – 30% SUCCESS! I completed the 1st project (yesterday, but whatevs, it’s done); I just need time to do the other two, and that’s something that’s been lacking
  6. Bike rides w/ the Bean. Often. – FAIL! Not a single bike ride in May. Booo!
  7. Book my hotel in the Big Apple for my August trip (the DC part is already booked) – FAIL! I am waffling on where to stay. Not on the trip itself, though.
  8. End the habit of negative self-talk – ehhhh… Would it be weird to say I really sucked at this? Probably. This is a process.
  9. Finally replace my driver’s license (which is my outstanding item from when all my things were stolen in February. Yes – over two months ago.) – SUCCESS! I have a new license! Yay!
  10. Bring my lunch to work every day, starting tomorrow. – 50% SUCCESS! I did pretty good with this for the first half of the month, and then started falling off the lunch bringing wagon the second half. I did make a lunch to bring every day this week, and even managed to bring it to work 3/4 of the time!

June 2013 Goals

  1. Go to the Zoo with the Bean!
  2. Write every day on
  3. Keep up with the wheat-free eating (this is in solidarity with the Bean; a detailed post on this Monday)
  4. Finish the front landscaping
  5. Finalize all DC/NYC travel plans
  6. Buy a bigger tent for our road trip/camping adventure!
  7. Have my 2013 workout hours pass my total 2012 workout hours! (That’s right, in the first 6 months of 2013, I will have worked out more than the entirety of last year; I should pass 2011 sometime in late July, and maybe even exceed 2010. Passing 2009 will require some serious work[ing out], but it is doable.)
  8. Slowly, oh so slowly, start running again.
  9. Lose the all or nothing attitude.
  10. NOT sign up for any races (I have a problem)


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