Just following Bob Barker’s advice

Bob & I go back – way back, and I wouldn’t want him to be disappointed in me.

So today, this gazelle is gonna get spayed. (The doctor says I can’t call it that if I’m talking about humans, but I just think he has no sense of adventure.) I am going under the knife small camera with springs at the end of a flexible tube to ensure that Alvie Bean is an only child.

I’m a lot more nervous than I thought I would be, considering that it’s a non-surgical procedure (no incisions, no general, minimal recovery time). When they asked if I wanted to do the procedure with some extra strength Advil or IV sedation, I jumped at the chance to be sedated.

I’ve been fasting since midnight (actually, since about 8 pm last night) and have 3.5 more hours at work before heading over to the doctor’s office. These are my last hours as a mostly fertile person, and I’m definitely moving away from nervous to “hungry and caffeine deprived.”

I’m also apparently moving towards “babbling.”

So – wish me luck! I hope I’m not in that 0.6% of people that ends up with perforations. That would suck.

And don’t forget to control that pet population!

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