Recovering from the weekend

I had a pretty fantastic weekend. Friday morning I worked, worked worked, but then got to have a more relaxing afternoon – complete with yoga and dinner with the architect.

Saturday I spent all day at a Toast conference, and feel pretty good about that. I learned lots, and although I left before it ended (TIRED!), it was a good day.

Yesterday, you already know I went for a run. And that it was pretty awesome. BUT – what you don’t know is what happened after I ran. I took a shower, and then decided to just lay down for a couple of minutes. And then I didn’t get out of bed again until after 7, when I was up for approximately 90 minutes (for dinner).

You guys – that hour-long trail run? Wiped me out.

I was so exhausted and tired and sore that I could barely motivate myself to move.

Maybe, after not running more than 30 minutes in the last 8 weeks, jumping up to a 60 minute hilly run was not the way to go. Maybe.

Today, I am not sore at all, but still exhausted.

People who weren’t exhausted this weekend were the architect. He finished tiling the bathroom! It looks awesome. Now, all that’s left is cleaning & caulking the tub, sealing the tile, and then painting & putting in the shelves. We are so close to victory! And also close to things I can help with again! YAY!





Lola helped me relax for a bit this weekend:

Lola loves the xbox!


Gratitude Journal

November 7, 2011: I am grateful for weekends and the opportunity to relax and recharge.

November 6, 2011: I am grateful for running – and grateful that I am still able to run. I am also grateful for my proximity to the most awesome running park in the history of the world: Forest Park.

November 5, 2011: I am grateful that I was able to discover enough courage to join Toastmasters. I know this sounds super cheesy, but it’s really made a HUGE difference in my life.

November 4, 2011: I am grateful for the internet, which gives me the ability to work from home, in my pajamas, this morning.

November 3, 2011: I am grateful that I have a good job that is challenging & interesting, if not necessarily catering to my life interests.

November 2, 2011: I am grateful for the architect, who is simply wonderful. He picks up the household slack when I’m busy with schoolwork, brings me chicken fingers on his way home from work, and is simply the most wonderful husband I could ask for…

November 1, 2011:  I am grateful for my (so far, knock on wood) easy and wonderful pregnancy



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