Blame the Bloggess

Seriously – I can’t believe the bloggess linked to this site.

I cannot stop refreshing.

So far, my favorite “possible next tweet:”

That’s probably better than a neti pot, a whore-clown? I’m pretty open up immediately!

Love it. LOVE!

Other great possibilities:

Obama goes rogue on Parking at St. John’s Theater & cocktails. Oooh – that does anyone have an!

You could accidentally kill someone called Advice on my Audubon sign on lottery tickets.

I didn’t drink all the recaps must get from Sephora, but cannot commit to the architect (the architect might be sad about this)

Top search of WIN! (yay!)

This horrifies me. The craziness of 5 stars to Uranus. Because I’m going to see the wall of 5 stars to!

I checked in a mental break & saw SNOW later this next year! This one actually makes sense to me.

I love to send aphids to shower now. Right? Who doesn’t love sending aphids to shower. THAT’S HOW YOU KILL THE BASTARDS!

Nothing says like pie & Lesbian Center Obama goes rogue on I was Amazon!

Good as my site by Stephen King It’s wicked heavy! I’m brilliant due to chickens

Book review up her pot) pipe today starts with: Sexy Venus is for leprechauns. wait…what’s this?

I could seriously do this all day. Freaking awesome.

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