Call me crazy

But I just registered for a race. 10K, in fact.

Admittedly, it’s not until April, but still.

I am wearing a 50 lb boot (it gets heavier as the day goes on), and can barely put pressure on my still-broken foot.

BUT – there it is. For the 5th year in a row, I will be participating in the Bridge to Brews (4th year at the 10K distance).

Bridge to Brews is the first 5K I ran without stopping for a walk break.

It is, in fact, except for a brief flirtation with the Cinco de Mayo run in 2007, the only official 10K I’ve run.

And, it’s the last official race that I did in 2010.

So – 2011…just hoping to beat my 2010 Damian-related-pain time. Or, you know, finish (trying not to get too ambitious until I actually start running again).

Of course, there is a possibility that I’ll register for a March race (Shamrock! I have to do Shamrock!), but that I am planning on actually waiting a while.

So – a goal! And a plan! And, because I am completely crazy, a brief glimpse of my 2011 training plan. (What, you thought I wouldn’t have one yet? Or at least not one that goes through December 2011?).  It’s still a work in progress, obviously. Obviously because they always are anyways, and also because nothing can be set in stone until I start running again. BUT – I think it’s fairly sensible. As sensible as I get, anyways.

PS – Today, I took nothing for pain until 3 pm….things are looking up. Too bad I’m so tired all the time!

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