Training Plans & Recaps (Two Days Late)

Due to my 5 day weekend/mini-vacation, I fell behind on my blogging & didn’t get my training plan posted on Monday. So here it is today.

Last week – the recap

Monday: Weights + elliptical to round out to an hour – FAIL, I hurt all over from my 6/14 super brick.

Tuesday: Morning Run (Hill repeats) – FAIL, again with the major ITB pain – took a rest/stretch day.  I did do a 30 minute walk post work and got my push-ups in before work.

Wednesday: Post-work weights then a swim – I did the weights, but the pool was ridiculously full, so I opted for a 15 minute bike (I just tried to keep it above 90 rpm for the entire time, and ended up with 4 miles at level 10, and then hopped on the treadmill for 5 minutes, .5 miles. I hate the treadmill. Also, I wasn’t wearing enough bras, so there was too much bouncing. And then I had shin splint pain for 2 days. With god as my witness, I am never treadmilling again. At least not until November.

Thursday: AM bike (maybe), PM yoga – I totally got in the PM yoga. Yay me! Also did my pushups in the AM.

Friday: Trail run & new gym class – FAIL. It was hailing when I got to the trail head. I did get some push-ups in when Jen & I went head-to-head on my sidewalk! She won, of course.

Saturday: Long run of 12-14 miles – ehhh…I ran 5 miles. That’s not quite 12-14.

Sunday: Afternoon bike ride – FAIL. I rested instead.

So – no stellar performances last week. I ran about 5 miles total, biked about 4, didn’t swim even once. I did get my weights & all my push-ups in, which is good.

June 22 – June 28, 2009

Monday – trail run, 10+ miles (check! I did 10.1)

Tuesday – swim + mountain bike + push-ups (check! I swam 1,000 yards, including a set of 800 yards for the 1st time in ages, did an 11.2 mile mountain bike ride with the architect, in which we averaged 8.8 mph, which I was pleased with because my legs were trashed from the previous day’s run & the morning’s swim, and did my push-ups as well – 71 total, in case you care.)

Wednesday – weights + easy 3-4 mile run

Thursday – yoga, maybe a bike….might be riding to work tomorrow, there is something wrong with my car, push-ups

Friday – trail run, 10+ miles again

Saturday – mountain bike ride, a little further than Tuesday’s, push-ups

Sunday – long run, 8-10 miles

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