Corn Chronicles (Part II)
It’s time for the weekly corn chronicles – and this week, we discover who made the cut & who didn’t. (It’s all American Idol style. Or maybe reverse Biggest Loser style – biggest grower! Who will wear the corn silk crown first??)
After hearing your requests last week, I went ahead & named all the corns. I had 55 corn plants. The first 52 all had alphabetical names (26 boys then 26 girls). The last three were named: Beer, Gin and Wine. 🙂
So, let’s go to the pictures (unfortunately, I don’t have photos of the last three rows, and they mysteriously disappeared from my camera!

Adam, Brad, Cody, Darwin, Eric, Fred, Greg & Howard

Row 2: Ichabod, James, Kevin, Larry, Mike, Nevil & Odin

Row 3: Peter, Quentin, Robert, Steve, Terry, Ullyses, Victor, Walter & Xava

Row 4: Yuri, Zachary, Amy, Barb, Carrie, Daphne, Erika, Francine
Row 5: Greta, Havi, Isabelle, Jackie, Kelly, Lisa, Meredith
Row 6: Nora, Ophelia, Petra, Quentina, Roberta, Sarah, Tina
Row 7: Ursula, Veronica, Wilhelmina, Yvonne, Zara, Beer, Gin & Wine
After carefully evaluating each for its distance from the other corns (a minimum of 8 inches from its neighbors was required) and its size, I had to cull the corn. I am left now, with only 30 corn plants – and there are two corns (Veronica & Wilhelmina, I believe) that will be battling it out for the one remaining spot!
The remaining corns:

From right to left, bottom to top (I’m quirky):
Row 1: Brad, Darwin, Greg
Row 2: Ichabod, James, Larry, Nevil
Row 3: Robert, Ulysses, Victor, Xava
Row 4: Yuri, Amy, Carrie, Daphne, Francine
Row 5: Greta, Havi, Isabelle, Kelly, Meredith
Row 6: Nora, Petra, Roberta, Meredith
Row 7: Veronica, Wilhelmina, Yvonne, Zara & Gin.
They are an average of 4 inches tall this week (at least the ones I kept are), and have learned their first word: “No!”
In other garden news, after the initial despair, I now have 10 zucchini plants growing, and am loathe to pull any up because I begged them to grow so much! I hope all my local peeps like zucchini. My early pea crop is blooming, and we are eating fresh spinach & lettuce almost every night! The radishes are nearly done for the year already (although I may replant in early fall).
By this time next week, my garden will be 100% planted. (Unless I decide the brussels sprouts are a lost cause & plant something else in that row – any ideas? What do you/would you grow?)
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