I’m Pretty Happy Today (even though it’s Monday)
The architect & I made a new deal (much like FDR’s New Deal – I’m sure you’ll see the similarities) that on Monday mornings, he will drive me to work and in exchange, I will no longer ask him to drive me to the gym at 6 AM.
So this morning, I got to be…leisurely. I got up about 7:20 or so, showered, and then made my lunch while the architect made me coffee to drink on the way to work (he’s trying to help me resist the coffee shops & triple-shots of espresso so I don’t feel like a crazy addict).
After I got to work, I started out my work day with a green smoothie.
(Please ignore the smoothie spots on the counter & the groceries that weren’t put in the pantry yet.)
I made my smoothie last night so that I wouldn’t be tempted to skip it this morning in case I was running low on time. It blended a lot better this time, so maybe I just didn’t put things in the right order last time. Today I had: baby carrots (about 5-6, I think), about 1/3 of a large bunch of spinach (can’t wait until my garden spinach is ready – maybe in another 3 weeks!), some grapes, some flax seed, and some frozen fruit (I think it was strawberries & pineapple) and about 1/3 cup of vanilla soy milk. Today the only “chewy” bits in my smoothie were a couple of strawberry chunks, and that was A-OK. It was sweet & delicious, although I couldn’t talk either the architect OR my office mate into trying it!
Between my smoothie & my mid-morning snack, I wasn’t even hungry when lunch rolled around, so delayed it until about 1.
I am still feeling really good post-15 miler. In fact, I’d say even better than good! I didn’t have any knee or shin pain at all during either of my trail runs, and the only soreness (other than a weird sharp hammering pain in the last 20 feet of the 15 miler that went away as soon as I stopped moving & never returned) is some muscle soreness which is completely gone now. I feel so strong! I was so worried about breaking the 13 mile barrier, since I had never gone that far before, and I am so pleased that I have now – and honestly, although I ready to be done at the end of that run, I know now that if I can go 15, I can go 18. And once I hit 18, really what is there to stop me? 🙂
Today I am debating between running my Wednesday easy 3 today or just waiting until Wednesday – since I didn’t bring any running clothes to work, I guess that might depend on what time I get out of here today!
My other big fitness news is that I have officially moved from week 2 to week 3 of the push-up challenge, and in my exhaustion test at the end of week 2, I cranked out 22. Which was actually less than I’d expected – but I did them Saturday morning before the long run – and the day after day 3 of the push-up challenge, where I maxed out at 20 – so maybe my arms were a wee bit tired from the previous afternoon’s 65 push-ups. 🙂 Tonight starts week 3 – a minimum of 72 push-ups will be happening tonight! My hanging is still just…hanging. But sometimes I feel that I’m almost moving.
And finally – a picture I took on my walk home from work Thursday afternoon (well, a walk from work to MAX, I’m not ready to commit 3-ish hours just for a WALK!
Isn’t this town beautiful?