How did it get to be Monday again?
It’s weird – this Monday thing just keeps happening! I don’t understand.
After the long run on Saturday, I was very productive for the rest of the day. I showered. And then I did……hmmmm….nothing? I was going to make some food for the wine party, but I didn’t. So I bought cheese & crackers, because who doesn’t love cheese & crackers? Crazy people, that’s who!
The wine party was pretty damn awesome. Thanks again to Emily for hosting us – your place is pretty amazing! There was wine. And food. And wine, I think. We had our tasting contest.

Rating the Wines
Jen & Zach totally kicked all our asses with their wine.

Jen for the Win!
The rules were: bring 2 [identical] bottles of red under $10, the person who brought the highest rated bottle of wine got to keep all the duplicate bottles. I’m not sure how that worked out – I think the duplicate bottles ended up getting donated back to the party!

The $10 Wines
There was, as of course you’d expect at any classy wine party, a push-up challenge.

Look at those arms!
All-in-all, a good time was had.
A few of the ladies of PB&J (Portland Bloggers & Joggers): Sarah, Alisa, Amy, Jen & Emily
Sunday, I didn’t do much. I wasn’t hungover, just lazy! I did my menu planning for the next 2 weeks and then went grocery shopping so that my menus wouldn’t go to waste. After I returned home from the market, the architect & I had a beer & surveyed our property. I pulled eleventy-hundred weeds out of my flower/herb garden in front, and now there are only eleventy-hundred more to go! Woo!
Mondays are usually my [workout] day off, but since I took yesterday off, I need to run tonight. If I run just 7.25 miles, I will hit 90 for the month. So, that’s probably what I’ll do 🙂
Now, it’s lunch time (finally). Have a good week!
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